Basis of distinction

Traditional business


Ease of formation




Physical presence



Not required

Locational requirements

Proximity to the source of raw materials or the market for the products


Cost of setting up


Low as no requirement of physical facilities

Operating cost

High due to fixed charges associated with investment in procurement and storage, production, marketing and distribution facilities

Low as a result of reliance on network 

 of relationships rather than ownership of resources

Nature of contact with the suppliers and the customers

Indirect through intermediaries


Nature of internal communication

Hierarchical - from top level management to middle level management to lower level management to operatives

Non-hierarchical, allowing direct vertical, 

horizontal and diagonal communication

Response time for meeting customers’/internal requirements



Shape of the organisational structure

Vertical/tall, due to hierarchy or chain of command

Horizontal/flat due to  directness of command.      and communication.

Business processes and length of the cycle

Sequential precedencesuccession relationship, i.e., purchase - production/ operation - marketing - sales. The, business process cycle is, therefore, longer

Simultaneous (concurrence) different processes. 

Business process cycle is, therefore, shorter

Opportunity for physical pre-sampling of the products

Much more

Less. However, for digitable products such an opportunity is tremendous.

 You can pre-sample music, books, journals, software, videos, etc.

Opportunity for interpersonal touch

Much more


Transaction risk

Low due to arm’s length transactions and face-to-face contact

High due to the distance 

and anonymity of the parties

Nature of human capital

Semi-skilled and even unskilled manpower needed.

Technically and professionally qualified personnel needed

Ease of going global


Much, as cyber space is truly without boundaries.