
Domestic business

International business


Nationality of buyers and sellers

People or organisations from one nation participate in domestic business transactions

People or organisations of different countries participate in international business transactions.


Nationality of other stakeholders

Various other stakeholders such as suppliers, employees, middlemen, shareholders and partners are usually citizens of the same country.

Various other stakeholders such as suppliers, employees, middlemen, shareholders and partners are from different nations


Mobility of factors of production

The degree of mobility of factors of production like labour and capital is relatively more within a country

The degree of mobility of factors of production like labour and capital across nations is relatively less.


Customer heterogeneity across markets

Domestic markets are relatively more homogeneous in nature

International markets lack homogeneity due to differences in language, preferences, customs, etc., across markets.


Differences in business systems and practices

Business systems and practices are relatively more homogeneous within a country.

Business systems and practices vary considerably across countries


. Political system and risks

Domestic business is subject to political system and risks of one single country.

Different countries have different forms of political systems and different degrees of risks which often become a barrier to international business.


Business regulations and policies

Domestic business is subject to rules, laws and policies, taxation system, etc., of a single country.

International business transactions are subject to rules, laws and policies, tariffs and quotas, etc. of multiple countrie


. Currency used in business transactions

Currency of domestic country is used.

International business transactions involve use of currencies of more than one country.